Did you know more businesses than ever are choosing managed print services? Smart business leaders realize the benefits of managed print services are wide-reaching, ranging from going green to boosting productivity to saving money. Here’s the run down on how managed print services (MPS) stack up against the traditional printer fleet model.

Managed Print Servies Advantages

The benefits you experience in your business will vary based on your current practices and the size of your business, but one thing is for sure. When you implement managed print, you will cut costs, boost productivity, and enhance sustainability.

Cost savings and budget control

Research shows that companies that choose managed print services reduce overall expenses by 30%. This reduction is a significant cost-savings in a category that many businesses see as stationary.

The truth is that printing is often an area of unnecessary waste. You managed services provider will help you root out inefficiencies to curb consumables and paper usage.

Reduced environmental impact

When you enhance efficiency, you are already operating in a more environmentally conscious way. Good business practices such as reducing waste and saving energy are also green business. MPS is one of the simplest ways for organizations to meet their green goals.

Simplified workflow

MPS standardizes your hardware and supply vendors, meaning there’s one centralized hub available to you at all times for printing needs. Employees are less frustrated by differences in hardware, and your service provider will regularly maintain machines for better performance. In addition, the latest technology will always be available to you through the help of a dedicated team of experts.

How it Works

Managed print services is not simply a product; it is a culture change for your company. Your managed services provider will walk through the entire process with you, beginning a long-standing relationship with the ultimate goal of helping your business succeed.

  1. Evaluate. Your services provider conducts a thorough audit of your current print practices, giving you a baseline for the future.
  2. Plan. A plan is drawn up, and you edit, change, and approve it.
  3. Implement. Your managed services provider
  4. Optimize. Your provider will monitor your monthly printing habits, often down to the department and machine, and offer suggestions for improving.

Ready to take the leap and switch to managed print services? Contact CA Reding today to start saving money.