We surpassed our goal of $1,500 raised a grand total of $2,480 to help local families who struggle with hunger for Community Food Bank’s Hunger Hero campaign. This amount accumulated to 17,360 meals!
The day culminated with a rummage sale featuring items donated from our staff at our main company headquarters in Fresno. This was the final event in our 6 week fundraising campaign.
“Having enough food to eat is such a basic need that many of us take for granted. The Hunger Heroes campaign made it easy for us make a big impact and lend a helping hand to those in need within our community. I learned a lot throughout this campaign and am so proud of our C.A. Reding family for letting their inner – heroes shine!” – Kimi Smallen, Office Manager (C.A. Reding Company)
Led by our office manager, staff from offices in Fresno and Bakersfield broke down into teams of 3 – Jolly Green Giants, Corn Huskers and Carrot Tops. A contest was held every week to the winning team raising the most funds – each week, the gift card amount went up.
The Journey
Over the 6 weeks, our employees hit up their families and friends to donate funds. Aside from asking for funds, staff came up with creative ideas to raise funds in the office such as Suzy’s (major account represensative) donation jar at Yosemite Falls Cafe and Melinda’s Mexican Corn on a Cob (Elote) added to the Corn Husker’s team collection.
Who Won?
Jolly Green Giants, led by Cassandra’s array of home baked snicker doodles, brownies, chocolate chip cookies and fruity pebble treats to the tune of $278! Pictured right.
Team Members: Cassandra, Kevin, Robert, Dave W, Derrick, Roger, Jim and Suzy. Each won a $50 gift card.
Check out the Rummage Sale pictures here
About Hunger Hero’s
Hunger Heroes is a Funds Collection Campaign by Community Food Bank, during which, teams raise money by asking everyone they know to make a donation. The Campaign benefits the work of Community Food Bank – providing food and hope to local Central Valley families who struggle with hunger. Get involved by heading to www.communityfoodbank.net/get-involved/hunger-heroes