The use of color documents is continuing to rise in almost every industry. Therefore, you are probably looking for ways to reduce their color output costs. Fortunately, there are several smart ways that you can enjoy the benefits of color printing.
Tip 1: Avoid Ink Jet Printers
Color ink jet printers are often bundled with the purchase of a PC. Therefore, it is easy to accumulate them without actually purchasing them. Unfortunately, they are actually the most expensive color output devices to operate when running full-color documents longer than 1-2 pages.
Tip 2: Eliminate Unnecessary Background Color
Documents with solid color backgrounds use a considerable amount of toner and take more time to process, slowing down the printing time. This can cause costs to skyrocket.
You can increase productivity and reduce costs by using bright colors on a white background. While a colorful background may look good on your computer screen, that same image will actually look more professional when printed with a white background.
Tip 3: Utilize Your Multifunction System
You can easily add color with your color-enabled multifunction printers. For about the same investment as a black-and-white copier, a color-enabled MFP will allow you to print, copy, and scan in full color for a fraction of the cost of inkjet or laser printers. Furthermore, the faster printing speeds will help increase office efficiency.
Your office can utilize color printing and still keep costs low. To figure out how contact us today.