Every company desires to minimize costs and save money. But sometimes this is a challenging job to complete. There are many obstacles in the way of discovering areas of improvement. There is one area that is often overlooked by business owner. That area is printing.
In fact studies show that 90 percent of American companies are not aware of how much money they spend on a monthly or annual basis. Cutting printing costs is not only good for the organization, but also what is good for the natural environment.
Paper utilization and waste constitute a significant proportion of costs that a business throws out on a yearly basis. It also results in a huge amount of waste caused by humans in a given year. Using these two factors weighing greatly on the thoughts of company owners, what can be done? There are many ways you company can cut costs by using some of these eco-friendly printing methods:
- Create a strategy – This really is the premise of your brand-new environmentally friendly printing techniques. Get together in your team and discuss general ambitions, both long-term and short-term, as well as the proper way to implement those targets. Having a method to begin with will put all things in perspective and permit you to start somewhere.
- Reduce how much your company prints- Think about everything you print on a regular basis and what you can do cut this number in two. Have you been printing every memo that comes out or printing things twice when they’re not needed? Try and commence with what you do first and then expand towards the remaining portion of the company.
- Consolidate your devices – It might not be a better choice to have three printers when a multifunction system can do the task of all three. Brand-new devices out there are able to this task more efficiently and by utilizing less energy and ink as well. Consider upgrading to a new device to save money in the long run.
Going green is more than just a fresh trend in the marketplace, it is a great way to doing business.
If you would like to learn more about how you can become “green” in your printing environment please contact us today!