Do you know how many documents your office prints each day? Despite sincere efforts to reduce paper usage, the average knowledge worker still goes through about 10,000 copies each year. For an office of just 100 employees, that’s 1,000,000 documents each year. No wonder your recycling bin is overflowing.
Solving the problem begins with asking (and answering) two simple questions:
- Why aren’t our efforts to reduce paper consumption more successful?
- What proven solutions are available to solve the problem?
Fortunately for your company, and for the planet, there’s an answer to both.
Complex Issues. Simple Solutions.
The computer age delivered astonishing gains in productivity and document manager solutions. It also delivered something else—the ability to print documents with the touch of a button.
While documents are critical to daily workflows, many of us print without thinking. We also underutilize the powerful electronic workflow capabilities found within our multifunction printers and other technologies.
Enter Document Management
Desktop file managers may be a step above steel filing cabinets and paper file folders, but they haven’t eliminated most of the inherent problems. Misfiled documents, collaboration issues and a lack of version control can all lead to drops in productivity and increased costs.
An electronic Document Management System can automate daily processes, reduce print-related costs, and increase efficiency across your organization. You’ll also benefit from:
- Improved document security.
- Increased ability to meet government mandates and regulatory compliance.
- Improved customer service via faster, easier access to information.
- Easier collaboration both for on-site staff members and workers requiring mobile access.
- Increased office space as bulky paper storage solutions are eliminated.
- More time to focus on value-added projects and core business objectives.
To find out more ways a Document Manager System from C.A. Reding Company can help your organization succeed. Contact us at 559-275-4977