Your clients trust you with their sensitive private information every time they make a transaction with you. This could be anything from their private email address to ordering services or supplies from your company. As a company, it is your responsibility to keep all of your clients’ information safe and secure. If your company had a security breach and lost all of your information and your clients, you could be facing a lot of problems. Take the safe route and employ a document management service to store all of your sensitive and important business files.
It is difficult to know who has access to data when it is being stored in a non-secure location. Managed services store these documents offsite to ensure backups and stored files are accessible offsite if your office suffers physical damage.
Leverage this amazing service to set your business apart from everyone else. Give your customers peace of mind with:
Monitor Document Access
Not all of your employees will need access to certain files. Secure your files with specific passwords and monitored access. Have the option to see previous versions of documents and track which employee has made changes to any file.
Security doesn’t just stop at monitoring the access and changes of your secure documents; document management gives you the option to do business from all over the world by having access to all of your files offsite. If you have a meeting with a potential client and they are ready to do business at the meeting, the ability to pull up any files you may need to conduct business.
Printing Specific Documents
Because some documents are very private and have personal sensitive information, such as a contract, document management gives you the security to lock documents from being printed. You will need to enter a security code to access the files and another to print the secure files.
With document management, you can securely take all of your files with you at any meeting or business transaction without having to print. Have access to all of your files while still being protected and monitored for safety reasons.
Large Storage Capacity
Take easy knowing that all of your files, documents, photos, and graphs are being stores in one area. As your business grows, so should your document service. The days of backing everything up on tapes and hoping that you haven’t lost them or reused them are over.
Rests assure that we have the power and the capacity to help support your current business and your future growth.
Ready to see how you can leverage this service to set your business apart from your competition? Contact us to get started!