We’re all well aware that disposing of a computer or mobile device isn’t a simple matter. Whether we hand our tech devices over to a recycling center, sell them, or donate them to a grateful third party, we take careful steps to make sure none of our data remains on hard drives or memory chips. Nicely done. But did you forget something?
The Threat You Missed
Security threats are all around us. Thanks to high-profile data breaches and horror stories from friends and colleagues, we’re well aware of their existence. We guard our devices and our data carefully, doing everything within our power to keep hackers at bay.
Nonetheless, many businesses and individuals are not aware that our printers and copiers should be treated with the same careful security protocols as our other devices. Here’s why:
Your office copier bears little resemblance to its 20th-century forerunner. Many organizations and individuals now use multifunction printers and copiers that do a lot more than just copy and print documents.
The powerful capabilities in today’s imaging technologies work because each device operates much like a computer. Each time a user copies, prints, scans or faxes a document, the device makes a digital copy of the information and stores it on the hard disk drive. Think about what this can include:
- Personal information like names, addresses, salary information and social security numbers.
- Financial data, including bank routing and account numbers.
- Private patient data.
- Product designs and proprietary business intelligence.
Smart Copier Disposal
While steps can be taken to delete information as it passes through your copiers and printers, it’s that end-of-useful-life scenario many users miss. To avoid a security breach, either remove the hard drive and dispose of it yourself or get shredding or data overwrite guarantees from the vendor. And get them in writing.
For the right copiers for your growing organization, get in touch with our expert staff at C.A. Reding today!